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I am not a Bond nor a Don neither a Politician. Then Who am I ?
Hey folks get to know me as a person....my age, my zodiac, my profile, my address etc etc...

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I am not an Oxford Scholar nor am I from Cambridge.
But yeah I am from the Pune University....India's answer to the world !
Hey folks I am sure u would like to know my qualification wouldn't u ?

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I haven't climbed the Everest, nor do I have an Oscar or a Grammy to my credit !!
Yeah ! but by God's grace I have achieved a lot of prizes and awards in life....would u like to have a look at them ? I am sure you would !!!

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I am a bi-tri-multiprofessional ...well I am confused !!
I am a Software Professional but yeahhhhh...also a Professional Percussionist  !!!

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Hobbies are my babies .....I care for them, I nurture them and most important is that I live for them !!
I have one of the most diversified range of hobbies...I bet !!